Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Dreamspinner said yes!

Dreamspinner want to publish my short story in their anthology. It's called '2 Weeks 6 Days 2 Long' and it's going to be in their Juicy Bits anthology later this year!

I'm very, very happy - I must admit, with Alien Christmas receiving a lukewarm reception (at best), I was beginning to think I didn't have what it takes. But this means being accepted the first time wasn't a fluke - this is another publisher saying yes, they like my work and want to publish it.

As it's a short story, it's not huge amounts of cash but that's not really the point. It's January and I've achieved one of my aims for the year already - another story has been accepted. This was the banner I made to give me an 'image' in my head of the MCs:

Now I guess I need to stop hiding in fanfiction and start finishing off some of the WiPs cluttering up my Ninja USB!!

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