Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Dreamspinner said yes!

Dreamspinner want to publish my short story in their anthology. It's called '2 Weeks 6 Days 2 Long' and it's going to be in their Juicy Bits anthology later this year!

I'm very, very happy - I must admit, with Alien Christmas receiving a lukewarm reception (at best), I was beginning to think I didn't have what it takes. But this means being accepted the first time wasn't a fluke - this is another publisher saying yes, they like my work and want to publish it.

As it's a short story, it's not huge amounts of cash but that's not really the point. It's January and I've achieved one of my aims for the year already - another story has been accepted. This was the banner I made to give me an 'image' in my head of the MCs:

Now I guess I need to stop hiding in fanfiction and start finishing off some of the WiPs cluttering up my Ninja USB!!

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Fanfic vs Original

Why is it easier to write fanfic than it is original stuff? Or maybe, easier to get motivated to write fanfic? I have the shapeshifter fic I still want to do some work on - as in, get past the first chapter - but 7 a.m. finds me writing Teen Wolf Sterek fanfic instead of sleeping or writing something original.

It's like, the muse is perfectly happy to throw out ideas but won't let me concentrate and get down to anything else. Probably a willpower thing? I need to be more disciplined I guess - right, tomorrow (or rather later today) I am going to write at least 500 words of 'Taming of Bren'.

I better get some sleep I guess...

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Potential Fubar...

Potentially good: we're still on track to be offered a flat. Number one on the list and the closing date is midnight Monday.

Potentially complete crap: today we received back our updated housing application from the post office with a 'failure to deliver' notice on it. We originally sent this in back at the beginning of November, well in time for the deadline. It's taken nearly two months for them not to deliver it and it could mean that our application for the flat is denied as they didn't receive the updated form.

I don't know whether to curl into a ball and cry or merely resign my position as an adult - there is no way I could have prevented this but it could mean we lose out through no fault of our own.

I'm trying to be all zen - what is for us will not pass us by - but man, all in want to do is have an epic tantrum.

Grown up time: Monday after the school run, I'll call the housing department and explain what's happened, see what they say. Until then, I shall stay away from sharp objects.