Thursday, 15 August 2013

Epic Fail....

Two days of not writing and I really don't think I'm going to manage 45000 words with the way things are going.

Little monster has been a complete and utter *bleep* for the last two days and I am exhausted, headachey and generally feeling like dropping my head into a blender and turning it onto pulse!!

BUT I have had a couple of ideas for Open Submission Calls and I have written quick characters and story outlines, and of course, the ever present banner that helps me picture my lovelies while I try to write them.

So, here's one provisionally called "Good With His Hands" for either 'Love at First Sight' or the 'Bears' prompt!! Dead car, sexy mechanic, dirty greasy sex - works for me!! The first version I did had pink writing and looked 'wrong' but after discussing it with my on-site consultant (Izzy), she reminded me that I seem to like cool sensitive blues and helped me figure out font and colours, etc.

The next story in my head apart has no title or banner but I do have a story outline, and a page or two of what I want to write.  It's for the Juicy Bits open prompt and I can see me heading there for when I want/need to write some unrelenting smut!

Got a friend popping round for an hour tomorrow, so need to try and get some sleep but will see about writing a page or two first.

Hmmm, maybe not an epic fail after all?!

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