Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Spike/Xander story that ate my brain - Master!post for Ultraviolet

rEYudkTitle: → Ultraviolet
Rating:→ NC17
Pairing: → Spike/Xander 
Fandom:→ Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
Genre: → AU 
Beta (s):→ Unbeta'd 
Disclaimer:→ Not mine. 
Summary: → Spike is called to Oxnard to claim something his Grand-sire gave to him with nasty results for Xander. 
Graphics: → Banners by 
A/N: → This features Original!Spike – nasty bastard, un-chipped, unrepentant demon. This is definitely non-con and not even remotely romantic. You have been warned.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

156 weeks writing & new banner.....

Received my 156 weeks award at Taming the Muse and am really chuffed. I can't believe I have written at least 500 words every week for the last three years - I am blown away!!

And as part of my dragging my writing partner into this whole 'let's write something original and expose our delicate, sensitive psyches to even more people who can crush us with their rejection, I sent my lovely sis TLM the following banner in an attempt to tempt her into writing an original story with me!!

I started it as my original Christmas Anthology for Dreamspinner but found I wanted to write it with TLM so we held off. But I would really be interested in using it to write our taming prompts and see if we could actually do this thing together.  All I need now is her pseudonym.....oh, and to make her write something! Subtle I'm not!!

Still behind on my word count - not looking like I'm going to make 45,000 words in August but I have written a few drabbles over the last couple of days that I am pleased with.

Tomorrow is exam results day - I wonder if that's why I'm not sleeping.....

Monday, 19 August 2013

The editors at Dreamspinner....

....they say no.  Just received a lovely email explaining that the submission doesn't match their publication needs and I have replied, saying thanks and asking for any feedback available.

Hey ho, not quite sure how I feel.....

Another weekend over....

...and my word count for August so far comes to just under 19,000. Not bad but definitely not on schedule. Mind you, bearing in mind the weekend I had I'm proud I got any writing done at all.

And ta-da!! I have officially written at least 500 words every week for the last 156 weeks or three years!! Yeah, I'm proud!

Friday, 16 August 2013

Tumblr is rather marvellous.....

.....and I now have a banner to work from for my Juicy Bits story - it's called "2 weeks 6 days 2 long" and I just loved the colours!! Didn't do much - added a poppy overlay, poppy red font with a dark grey/white shadow and it's all done!!

So, that's three new banners which mean 3 stories to write. Oh dear, methinks less art and more writing!

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Epic Fail....

Two days of not writing and I really don't think I'm going to manage 45000 words with the way things are going.

Little monster has been a complete and utter *bleep* for the last two days and I am exhausted, headachey and generally feeling like dropping my head into a blender and turning it onto pulse!!

BUT I have had a couple of ideas for Open Submission Calls and I have written quick characters and story outlines, and of course, the ever present banner that helps me picture my lovelies while I try to write them.

So, here's one provisionally called "Good With His Hands" for either 'Love at First Sight' or the 'Bears' prompt!! Dead car, sexy mechanic, dirty greasy sex - works for me!! The first version I did had pink writing and looked 'wrong' but after discussing it with my on-site consultant (Izzy), she reminded me that I seem to like cool sensitive blues and helped me figure out font and colours, etc.

The next story in my head apart has no title or banner but I do have a story outline, and a page or two of what I want to write.  It's for the Juicy Bits open prompt and I can see me heading there for when I want/need to write some unrelenting smut!

Got a friend popping round for an hour tomorrow, so need to try and get some sleep but will see about writing a page or two first.

Hmmm, maybe not an epic fail after all?!

Monday, 12 August 2013

Seer ~ Chapter 2 ~ Kol/Nick


Kol Barrington used to be a psychic until a traumatic event took his powers away from him. Until now.

Nick Taylor is a detective faced with a case that is getting stranger by the day. He has what looks to be a nasty serial killer on his hands and a so-called psychic who can tell him details that no one but the killer should know. He also has a desire for this strange witness that he has never experienced before in his life and that part of him wants to take as far as it can go.

If only he could get past the idea that Kol can read his mind and Kol can get past the idea that Nick might well be using him as bait to catch a killer.....

Loosely based on the 1995 novel Dream Man by Linda Howard  


Seer ~ Chapter 1 ~ Kol/Nick


Kol Barrington used to be a psychic until a traumatic event took his powers away from him. Until now.

Nick Taylor is a detective faced with a case that is getting stranger by the day. He has what looks to be a nasty serial killer on his hands and a so-called psychic who can tell him details that no one but the killer should know. He also has a desire for this strange witness that he has never experienced before in his life and that part of him wants to take as far as it can go.

If only he could get past the idea that Kol can read his mind and Kol can get past the idea that Nick might well be using him as bait to catch a killer.....

Loosely based on the 1995 novel Dream Man by Linda Howard


Seer ~ Prologue ~ Kol/Nick


Kol Barrington used to be a psychic until a traumatic event took his powers away from him. Until now.

Nick Taylor is a detective faced with a case that is getting stranger by the day. He has what looks to be a nasty serial killer on his hands and a so-called psychic who can tell him details that no one but the killer should know. He also has a desire for this strange witness that he has never experienced before in his life and that part of him wants to take as far as it can go.

If only he could get past the idea that Kol can read his mind and Kol can get past the idea that Nick might well be using him as bait to catch a killer.....

Loosely based on the 1995 novel Dream Man by Linda Howard


Sunday, 11 August 2013

4,500 words behind......

...and here I am at 4.20 a.m. just finishing up chapter 10 of Seer. I can't believe it - for the past two days, I haven't been able to write a thing what with stresses of dealing with awful child. But I saw the prompt for this week and it just fitted in my head and out came chapter 10.

Okay, it's not on my Original piece that I want to send off, but it is still important and I am pleased to have broken my little run of the bad. Tomorrow is another day - hopefully I can write a bit more, and it would be great if I could over-write and sorta catch up!!


Friday, 9 August 2013

Brain strain didn't help but....

....I think I have my title.  Am rolling with 'Playing Doctor' for the timebeing as it merges games with medical/taking care of - I've even updated the banner. Of course, that might have to do with the fact that I've done no writing today AT ALL and I felt bad!!

The lack of writing is because I'm lazy and I got stressed - tomorrow I am going to have to make up for that. Maybe 45k was too much?

Oh look, that would be me being defeatist and negative. Time to switch that around and be positive - I am not that far behind and should be more than able to catch up. Yeah, not sure I'm believing that positive spin either but at least I tried!!!

Sunday, 4 August 2013

August and it's Dr Feelgood

Into August, and I have set myself a goal of 45k words this month. I need to write a certain amount per day in order to meet that goal, and although I haven't written 1500 words per day, I have written every day. I have an idea for another story that fits with a DSP Open call, but am trying to figure out a title for it.

I made a little banner so I have their images in my head while I write because I find that helps, but the title isn't coming to me. I think I've written something like 2400 words so far, and the minimum count is 5000 so I'm on track.

I think I want something medical in the title but what? Off to strain my brain further...